
It all first started as we decided to settle in Japan.
We were not particularly interested in getting a mansion/apartment if we were to buy a place. We had slightly different expectations and we thought then we would just get a place far away from Tokyo for long term living.
While just randomly looking we happened to come across a piece of land in a nice area that was convenient and had proper size. Then the rest happened.

We started checking the large builders first.
While doing it some friends recommended that we should check directly with architect as the total cost would not be that much different for similar quality, yet it would have a lot more flexibility in the design.
A few friends used The House before and they suggested we checked it out.

We like the house to be simple and natural, open and connected, make good use of natural lights.
We have different hobbies - gardening and planting, a nice open kitchen for cooking and baking, lots of storage for our sports equipment, tatami guest room for relatives to stay, small croft for a garden, ... There are too much details to list out. Yes we know the architects reckon we are pretty demanding.
Pandemic happened during the design phase and we had to plan for remote working area.

This was the first time we live in a house yet it took less time for us to get used to it than we expected. It was highly satisfying.
The pandemic forced us to spend more time at home but we never felt we were forced to stay in. We actually really enjoyed the time staying in the new home both for remote work and leisure time. The design of the house really suit our active lifestyle and expectations.
The open space and exposed wood design made it feel so natural and comfortable even just lying down anywhere to enjoy.

We did not even know what to expect with the house initially.
Just started by looking through the profiles of different architects it helped us to know what we might want. Still, the staff at The House helped a lot as she sensed our needs and expectations.
She recommended a few architects to talk to in addition to what we picked just by reading their profiles and projects. We ended up with one of those she recommended and we were very satisfied with the result.
建築家にとって、クライアントと縁を感じ、ニーズを知り、要望をどうやって叶えるかがすべてです。 誰もが異なる要望があって、そして必要に応じたライフスタイルを持てると感じることがとても重要です。私たちにとってデザインだけでなく、こんなにも豊かな生活の場を与えてくれたこと、なにより素敵な建築家ご夫婦に出会えたこと、これからも友人としていられることをとても幸せに感じています。ありがとうございました!
To anyone who is considering building a house, we highly recommend they consider hiring an architect. It is so important to talk to multiple architects to find one that you feel connected to, one that can feel your need and suit your working and communication style.
Building a dream living house for possibly the rest of your life is not a small project, it needs a lot of communications and understanding. Even if you do not want to bother with the details and want to leave things to the experts - be it with architect or build large builder, having a good architect that connects with you will definitely more likely to get you a living space that you enjoy more than you initial believe.
To the architect, it is all about connecting to the client, know their needs and manage their expectations. Everyone has different expectations and it is so important to sense the need and lifestyle. We are so happy to have found a very good architect couple that not only design a perfect living place for us to live in but also become good friends. Thank you!

- 建設地
- 東京都目黒区
- 竣工日
- 2021年10月
- 設計
- ステューディオ2アーキテクツ
- 施工会社
- 株式会社内田産業
- 構造
- 混構造
- 敷地面積
- 83.11平米(25.1坪)
- 施工床面積
- 148.54平米(44.9坪)
- 生活スタイル
- 単世帯住宅
- 種類
- 新築
総工事費(税別)から、それぞれの敷地や建主の事情によって変動する解体工事、仮設工事、杭・地盤改良工事、引込工事、外構工事、冷暖房・空調工事、 その他建物本体に固定されていないものの工事を除いた金額。実際にかかる費用よりも坪当たり10~30万円ほど安く見積もられます。